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It's here!!! All pictures on this page belong to me. Please ask before you take. All the bios are from ABC Daytime.
My Disclaimer : I am not in anyway affiliated with ABC, NBC, or CBS. I am just a devoted fan. All Pictures, unless noted otherwise are from ABC, NBC, or CBS. All pictures are linked to their original sites and owners.

Asa Buchanan ~ Philip Carey
Since 1979, Philip Carey has been a fan favorite as One Life to Live's wheeler-dealer business tycoon, Asa Buchanan. One of daytime television's most-married men, Asa, a towering Texan, is a man with little conscience and a womanizer, but he will always protect his family no matter what the cost.
Dr. Ben Davidson ~ Mark Derwin
Mark Derwin created the role of One Life to Live's Dr. Ben Davidson in February 1999. Ben's tumultuous past led him to Llanview and right into the arms of new love Viki Lord Carpenter. No stranger to daytime, Mark played Adrian Hunter on The Young and the Restless from 1989-90 and Guiding Light's A.C. Mallet from 1990-93.
Blair Cramer ~ Kassie Depaiva
The beautiful Blair Cramer's presence in Llanview means only one thing: Trouble. As played by actress Kassie DePaiva, Blair continues to connive her way through the lives of others as she tries to attain the power and prestige she desperately desires. Her priority, however, remains her daughter, Starr and her husband, Max.
Victoria Lord Davidson ~ Erika Slezak
Erika Slezak has been honored with a record five Emmy Awards for Outstanding Lead Actress — in 1984, 1986, 1992, 1995 and 1996 — for her portrayal of Victoria Buchanan Carpenter. A woman of great character, Viki was successful in her struggle with multiple personality disorder and rebuilt her life. Now she is enjoying a relationship with new love Ben Davidson, and still trying to protect her family from longtime nemesis Dorian Lord.
Rae Cummings ~ Linda Dano
Linda Dano, one of television's most beloved daytime stars, returned to ABC Daytime in June, 1999. Dano reprised the role of One Life to Live's Gretel Cummings, a character she had played on the show from 1978-80. Cummings has re-created herself as a powerful, dynamic relationship expert, and now prefers to use her middle name, Rae. In an unprecedented programming move, Dano will take the character of Rae and cross over to all four ABC Daytime soaps, including All My Children, General Hospital and Port Charles.
Nora Buchanan ~ Hillary B. Smith
Hillary B. Smith plays Nora Buchanan, a headstrong attorney whose quick wit has kept her smiling through some difficult times. Hillary was awarded the Daytime Emmy Award as Outstanding Lead Actress in 1994 for her portrayal of the incredibly charming, irrepressible Nora. The youngest of four girls, Hillary was raised in Palm Beach, Florida. At 14, she returned to Massachusetts, where she was born, to attend boarding school. While enrolled at Dane Hall School, she worked with a geneticist at the New England Medical Center.
Bo Buchanan ~ Robert S. Woods
Emmy Award-winning actor Robert S. Woods plays the role of Bo Buchanan, the handsome younger son of the rich and powerful Buchanan family. Recently divorced from wife Nora, Bo is trying to get his personal life back on track, while professionally he continues to succeed as Llanview's determined police commissioner. Woods created the role of Bo Buchanan in 1979, and quickly skyrocketed to stardom, receiving an Emmy Award in 1982 as Outstanding Lead Actor, as well as four other nominations — in 1986, 1993, 1994 and 1999.