I've Moved to Destination General Hospital http://www.geocities.com/goodtelevisionmysoaps


Days Of Our Lives

Days Of Our Lives Gallery 1

Days Of Our Lives Gallery 2


Passions Photo Gallery

All My Children

All My Children Photo Gallery

General Hospital

General Hospital Photo Gallery

General Hospital ScreenCaps

One Life To Live

One Life To Live Photo Gallery



Guest Book

Contact Us

Slide Show Page


What Next For My Site
I'm going to be adding alot of polls with in the next week, they'll have to do with some ideas I was having. I want you opinion and help to better my site.

What's going to happen with Passions

  What's up next on Days

What do you think of Screencaps of the day's shows?
E-mail me a tell me what you think of the idea of using screencaps for todays shows on the pages instead of just the pictures from the networks. Label the subject Screencaps. Thanks

E-Mail me

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Use this template for any additional information you need such as products, pictures, fan clubs, links or just more information It's important to change the content on your site and make updates to the information that you display. Doing this will help you to get more return visitors.

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General Hospital

All My Children